Saturday, 20 October 2012


Please go to the new address at The blog will continue to be run on the new site with effect from 19th October, 2012.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Year 5, Day 282

Good job I didn't hold my breath - he's still not finished the water maker installation. However, it's very nearly finished, with just the power cable back to the electrical switch panel needed. He's also fixed the problem with the over-size feet on the A frame. He said the brackets to hold the solar panels in place should arrive soon.
They have now moved all their furniture into the new apartment but have got an unexpected 'guest'. Frances was decorating her room in Luke's house and fell off the steps. She's got a broken foot and is now staying with them so they can't leave just yet. If we delay leaving for too long we may miss the window of opportunity this year and we'll have to wait until May before we go anywhere. He's moved the deadline for leaving to mid-November.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Year 5, Day 257

They are still living with me despite taking ownership of their new Apartment on 31st August. Luke's purchase is still not completed and they cannot get their furniture out of storage. This includes tools etc. which he needs to install the water maker and the A Frame. However, things look like they will move quickly for Luke this week and I expect them to have moved into their place too.
Although in position, he has some adjustments to make to the 'feet' of the A Frame but says he has a way to fix this and expects to have it fully in position by the weekend. He can then fit the solar panels. I won't hold my breath.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Year 5, Day 235

After he went back to work for his final week she stayed behind and gave me a thorough clean inside. I now feel much better! She went away on Friday and then they both came back today. They are quite pleased too as they exchanged contracts and will be moving into the new apartment on 31st August. If he still wants to leave and sail away this year he'd better get his finger out as there's lots to do.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Year 5, Day 223

They turned up late today and looked (and smelt) like they had been working hard. They had - the move went ahead today and they now live with me (oh what joy) as the purchase of their new home has not yet completed. This means all the furniture and other items from the house are in storage and will have to be moved again.

However, the target for Year 5 was 'sell the house' - and this has been successfully achieved. Big question is: 'can he get us ready in time to go away this year ahead of schedule?'

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Year 5, Days 207 - 217

Port Haliguen

Days 207 - 213
Day 207

We arrived at 6:45am. Although alongside initially, he spotted a finger-berth on the visitor's pontoon and we moved there. They then went to bed for a couple of hours (Frances hadn't got up yet) to catch up on their sleep (and stop him turning into Mr Grumpy). There were no clouds in the sky and they wandered off later and went looking for more 'provisions'. They were hot and bothered and laden with goodies when they got back. He put the bikes together but one of the tubes was perished so only one was useable - great pre-holiday preparation then! After a walk around the local area they had dinner and went to bed.

Days 208 - 211
They spent their time getting up and going out on their bikes. Most trips were into Port Marie, vey close to Port Haliguen. It was very hot and sunny most of the time although a couple of nights we had some rain. They ate out a couple of nights and spent the late evenings watching films into the early hours. On Sunday, they planned the passage for the next part of the holiday. Also, as it rained most
of the day on Sunday I got a (much needed) clean. She seems to be managing very well on her leg so it must be improving.

Day 212 - 213
It was wet and miserable as we slipped the mooring at 8:30am and headed off - towards Jersey! This was 'plan B'. He said we had spent too long in Cameret and Port Haliguen to allow any travel further South. Anyway, despite the change in plan, they seemed very pleased with their time in Port Haliguen and agreed that they would return given the choice. There was no wind for most of the day and so we motored on flat seas. About 8pm the forecasted wind picked up and he was able to set my sails. By the time it got dark the wind was at 28kts (F5) and I was zooming along at 8 kts! It was very hairy going through the Raz de Sein and at one point Heading (direction you are pointing) and
Course (direction you are going) were 90 degrees apart due to strong winds and tide. If not enough, the other side has a 'washing machine' waiting for you and the waves were high this evening. However, for the most part, he steered close to land and missed the worst of it. Once through the narrow channel the sea settled to just 'rough' and we headed up around the outside
of Ile D'Ouessant. Overnight the wind dropped, come onto the stern and my sails started flapping so he dropped them and we motored on. Despite a forecast of F3 - F4 the wind didn't pick up sufficiently again and we motored into St. Peter Port.


Days 214 - 216

We arrived in St. Peter Port as the sun rose and were tied up on the visitor's pontoon by 7am. Thank God that engine has been switched off!!

They spent time going backwards and forwards to the shops and, when it rained heavily, to the cinema. Once they left on their pushbikes and had lunch in the Yacht Club - very nice! Looks like we're going home soon as he's checking tides and weather.

Day 216
Up early and off we went. Refuelled and headed out to sea. Wind very favourable and we were able to sail almost immediately leaving port. However, big seas meant it was a bit uncomfortable. Once out past La Corbiere lighthouse the sea flattened and eased a bit. We made very good time to Hanois Lighthouse and then on and up past the west coast of Guernsey.  Once land was out of site we headed towards Berry Head avoiding the Traffic Separation Scheme (but not the traffic).


Day 217

We arrived back on the pontoon at Brixham just before 3am and they put me and themselves to bed. It was up early again and I was cleaned and they packed up and headed off. I think they're moving house soon!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Year 5, Days 202 to 207


Day 202
 The three of them arrived here early this evening. Luke hadn't got a date for completing his house purchase and so he had to stay behind in the hope that it happens in the next couple of weeks. However, the older two exchanged contracts today and so they all have to move out of the house by 10th August. Hope their purchase goes through soon or I'll be seeing a lot of them!

Day 203
They got up early - except Frances who, in her role of 'Ship's Passenger', is excused boots and is only active at feeding time. With the engine on we set off at 8am. There was a light wind so we motored out past Start Point for a couple of hours. The forecasted Westerly wind kicked in and we managed a comfortable 5-6 knots across the Channel towards Brittany. A generally uneventful sail except when he stood his ground and the massive Brittany ferry played by the rules of the road and went round the back of us - bit close though! The rest of the day was very pleasant - sun, sea and some beer - well, they are on holiday. They stayed up late looking up at a clear, star-filled sky and counted shooting stars and satallites into the early morning.

Day 204
The wind died (just as it had been forecast to do) at around 2am just after entering French waters and he started my engine and dropped the sails. There was still some tide running as the sun rose and we entered the northern end of the Chenal du Four. It soon turned and we raced down towards St Mathieu with the sun beating down on us. By the time we got there the sea was mirror-flat, and we turned towards the Rade de Brest. At 10:30am we were alongside the pontoon in the marina at Cameret. They went to sleep for a while and then went into town for provisions (wine!).

Day 205
With high pressure forecast for at least a week the sun rose early and stayed there. They had breakfast and then went for a walk in the hills along the coastal path. They returned early evening and tested the provisions bought previously - quite a lot of testing actully!

Day 206
He got up early and went for a ride on his bike. When he got back they had breakfast and then all three wandered off. They returned after lunch and he got the canoe out. He went off with Frances to explore the coastline. They said that they had had a great time and then planned to do it again. For their dinner they had bought lots of seafood (and I do mean lots). Although they managed to finish it all off it wasn't a good idea to name the lobster before cooking and eating it. Sentimentality doesn't help with the digestion.

Day 207
They got up and packed a lunch. They all went off to a beach on the other side of town. As there was three of them, he had to do the trip out twice as the canoe is only a two-seater. They got back late in the day. If they'd asked me I could have told them the water was cold - they hadn't needed to go swimming to find out. Our old hunter-gatherer had collected some mussels and oysters whilst they were out. He did a good job with the mussels. The oysters were a different story. Despite being moist and slimy, big oysters will not go down a small throat. The struggle with the first one didn't stop him eating the others though.

Day 208
We left at 10am and sailed in a brisk wind for an hour. Then the wind dropped and so he started the engine, On a calm sea we headed into the Raz de Sein and onwards towards Port Haliguen. We baked all day under the relentless sun with temperatures at 29 deg C. At 11pm the wind picked up again but only for a few hours and he started the engine as we approached Port Haliguen.


Port Haliguen

Day 207
We arrived at 6:45am.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Year 5, Days 195 to 197

Day 195
I was expecting them today as they need to get me ready for the holiday and they never turned up last week. Their house sale and purchasing seem to be gathering pace and they are also hoping that Luke will complete his house purchase very soon . They are looking at completing the sale on 10th August (Day 223 for those of you not paying attention!).
Day 196
Big tidy today - not very nice for sailing so I've been re-arranged and anythings not used last year are to be removed.. He also rewired the Meteoman barometer/clock so that it is permanently connected to the battery. And no, I don't know why they didn't design it with a Lithium battery to retain the settings!
Day 197
The forecast was for sunshine and light winds. Wrong! so they went home early asit was considered to be more important to clear out the house and start putting things in boxes. See you Thursday then!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Year 5, Days 181 to 183

Day 181
They came down this evening and debated on where the sand on me may have come from. I couldn't bring myself to tell them it was from the Sahara - don't think they would believe me. Once they were settled in I found out that things are progressing on the sale of the house. Also, looks like they think Luke will complete his purchase before they move out. If they want to complete by August 10th they're cutting it fine.
Day 182
Too windy to go out today so they did some work inside then went for a walk. The new apartment they are after is just at the top of the country walk and path that leads to St Mary's Bay. Now that they've walked there they're all excited about moving - big kids!
Day 183
Despite a good start, the morning weather turned to gusty wind and rain so they went home. Bye - don't worry about me being here on my own again!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Year 5, Days 175 to 177

Day 175
They came at the usual Friday time but didn't say why they hadn't been down for a couple of weeks. She's moving about much better now and hasn't brought the array of walking sticks with her. They had used their new car and were saying that they were happy with its performance considering what (little) he had paid for it. They seem to think the house sale is progressing nicely now but hope that Luke completes before they do or it will be rather messy. They've also had their offer for the apartment in St Mary's accepted so we'll be neighbours soon. Not sure if I will like that.
Day 176
Not the weather to sail in this morning so they had a tidy up - getting rid of things that seemed a good idea for me to have on board a couple of years ago but that have not seen the light of day since stowing them. They're making space and also planning to add a lot of 'provisions' - where's he taking us now?
This afternoon we had visitors - Tantrum's crew, Charles and Jackie, walked over from Kingswear. Sounded like they enjoyed themselves - a few empty bottles and cans lying around too.
Day 177
We went out today! Conditions were a bit poor at first but by the time we got out it was bright and sunny. Bad luck for the Mackeral too - he got quite a few. Sailing conditions were excellent and I had a good blast in the wind. They had a discussion about the recent poor weather but he said the log showed June has been a poor month for sailing for the past three seasons. No entries in the log means we didn't go out and previous years are no different to the current one.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Year 5, Days 158 & 159

Day 158
Overnight the storm caught up with us and it rained and howled all night. He said he was glad they had come back a day early; "better to be in the marina wishing your were sailing than out sailing wishing you were in the marina". Sometimes he really p's me off! Still, we had winds of over 45kts - that's a 'severe gale' in weather terms.
He went for a walk and came back saying the car won't start.
Day 159
They're going house viewing today. Should be interesting as the car isn't working. When they got back they were quite happy so there may be something they liked. After lunch they went out again but not so happy when they got back this time. They had looked at two apartments in the morning and two cottages in the afternoon. I think the apartments won 2-0. Anyway, they're off now so a bit a peace and quiet for a while. Wonder how they're going to get home?

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Year 5, Days 156 & 157

Day 156
They didn't do much today - apart from complaining about the weather! They went out to the cinema and had a meal then came back early as tomorrow they have to go back to Brixham (he's been looking at the weather forecast).
Day 157
Engine on at 6am and out of the marina. At La Corbiere lighthouse he was able to sail and we headed home. With winds forecast at F5-F7 we knew what to expect. Just a brief note of thanks to the Weather Man - 5 hours from home and the forecast was increased to Gale F8 'soon'. We like surprises! With brisk winds and not too rough seas we got back into Brixham at 10pm. That's 2 hours off normal journey time. ps - thanks for the heavy rain on arrival (I love June).

Monday, 4 June 2012

Year 5, Days 153 - 155

Day 153
We thought we heard the Coastguard responding to Tantrum's routine traffic call at 2am but we were too far away to call her.  We had a cracking sail up until about 3am - then the wind stopped. It does that sometimes. As we were close to the shipping lane he put the engine on and we stayed that way until parked up in Jersey. Thick fog made the journey past Guernsey and onto the Hanois lighthouse very interesting. Radar and AIS prove their value at times like this. The fog eventually cleared about an hour from the lighthouse and the final part of the trip was uneventful. They went for a shower (not before time) and then disappeared into the shopping centre. I basked in the warm sunshine. When they came back I picked up some of the ongoing news. Luke has been outbid on the house he was buying and has pulled out of that transaction and is now looking for somewhere else. Their house sale is proceeding and the Surveyor is coming next week. It is likely they could be moving by mid-July. They're also looking at properties in Brixham - looks like I may see them more often in the future then.
Day 154
They went food shopping this morning and filled the fridge with seafood, salad and steak. Either they're having a party or they're preparing to disguise themselves in order to merge with some of the visitors who come to Brixham in the summer - you know, the Pie Eaters and Salad Dodgers. Why they go clothes shopping together I'll never know. Pistols at dawn would be simpler and more humane.
Day 155
Intermittant rain delayed them leaving early but eventually they did go out walking. When they got back later that afternoon it would appear they had caught the bus to La Corbiere Lighthouse and had lunch in the hotel there. A walk in the breeze and sunshine kept them in a good mood for the rest of the day. It's quite windy tonight.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Year 5, Day 152

It's my birthday today - I'm six. I wonder what they've got me?

Well, I would have preferred cake, cards and a few drinks but they turned up with some new fenders - what planet are they from? However, we're going to Jersey tonight so I'm all excited !!!!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Year 5, Days 139 to 141

Day 139
Wasn't sure if they would come this week as the weather doesn't look too good, but they arrived at the usual time this evening. Looks like we're going out tomorrow! Seems like Luke has had his offer accepted on a house in Weston-super-Mare - no need to be that excited though; you would be forgiven for thinking they were happy he was going. After a couple of drinks and watching television for a while they went to bed.
Day 140
The weather was much better this morning and he got me ready to go out. With the tide running out and the wind from the NE F3-F4 he decided to go to the Ore Stone. Silly twit got his fishing rod out - he won't learn. After sailing to the Ore Stone (and not catching anything) they decided to turn round and go to St Mary's Bay and stop there for lunch. Just as we turned he spotted a dolphin and they messed about with it for a while before sailing off. Anchoring in St. Mary's Bay they also spotted a seal - let's not do any more fishing then. After lunch and a rest he upped anchor and we went home. It got interesting when the estate agent called and told them they had been made an offer on the house. Shame it wasn't enough - he refused it. Good boy!
Day 141
It P'd down all night so they decided to go home. Shame the car wouldn't start - he'd been in a good mood up till then. Looks like they won't be down next week as they're all off to Dublin for a party but he's going to take us to Jersey when they get back. I do like night sailing!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Year 5, Days 132 to 134

Day 132.
She must have let him in as I still had his card. Anyway, they plan to go sailing in the morning so the forecast must be looking good. From what they've been saying it looks like there is some very positive interest in the house as someone is going for a second viewing.
Day 133
Back to the normal routine - he gets up and goes for a shower, then comes back and has a coffee. She gets up and makes breakfast, then has a shower while he gets me ready to leave. I was quite surprised he didn't forget anything important for departing as he had to do the jobs she normally does. Anyway, we got away quite easily and had a good sail around the bay. He played with my sails - using the whisker pole and putting reefs in, then we came back for tea. They watched TV then went to bed.
Day 134
We didn't go out today. Don't know what he was drinking yesterday but today he washed and polished my hull instead of going out to sea! Made me feel better but he should have put on more factor 15 though! Late afternoon they went home. He's left his card again! I wonder how the viewing went?

Monday, 7 May 2012

Year 5, Days 124 to 128

Day 124
They brought their bags this afternoon and loaded them on board (why does she need so many clothes?). At 8:30pm I was started up and I took them out of the marina and just up to Berry Head before my engine was switched off and sails hoisted. Pointing me 153 degrees and with the wind on a broad reach, we went off towards Guernsey - see, I was right, he was planning this! The weather was ok but a bit cold. However, as the sea was 'slight' it was a cracking all-night sail!

Day 125
We reached the main shipping lane (westbound) at about 3:30pm. He normally keeps at least one eye open most of the night. However, we had a 'Mary Celeste' incident where he closed the other eye for a few seconds. Thinking we were about to collide with another vessel he had been watching, he changed course quickly. He later admitted it was my lights reflected in the pushpit rails he had seen (why does she leave him in charge of me overnight when we both know what he's like on his own - dangerous). I've noticed he wears his glasses a bit more these days - blind old git.
We finally reached St Peter Port at 10:15am, he tied me up on the waiting pontoon and went to bed for a couple of hours. By the time the tide came in and we could go into the marina we were treated to Guernsey's 'drought'. The wrong type of rain fell all day. That evening they went out for a meal - she must have paid because he was in a good mood they got back.

Day 126
They left me to go on the bus trip this morning. This is the £1 'round the Island tour' they always go on. Unfortunately the drought was severe and so they didn't see much. Didn't stop them having more to eat and drink though - I'm the one who floats! Did I mention the cold?

Day 127
He got up and moved me out of the marina at 8am. They had breakfast and then set me off home. Initially the sailing was good but by mid-day the wind disappeared and my engine started. It stayed on all the way home. Apart from him playing a game of 'dare' (and losing) with the big ships the return home was uneventful. He put me into our berth at 10pm and put me to bed.

Day 128
They cleaned me up and decided to go home as the drought was still in force. Wonder how he's going to get back into the marina next time he's down - I didn't ask him to leave his swipe card behind.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Year 5, Day 116 & 117

Day 116.
I've cancelled the collection - he's not dead after all! Came down this evening and fitted the repaired spray hood. Now I'm dry in the cockpit again.

Day 117.
Good job he put the cover up when he did yesterday evening - it really rained hard all night and the wind picked up. Blowing up to gale force now - even I don't want to go out in that! It would appear he came alone as she is still not steady on her feet after the knee operation. However, he's up to something for the Bank Holiday as he was looking at the Guernsey route on the chartplotter.
There were more people looking at the house today too - she said they had wanted one without a garage! So the photograph and plans showing they have a double garage weren't convincing then?

Monday, 2 April 2012

Year 5, day 90 & 91

Even though the weather was bright and sunny during the day on Friday I could have told them it would be b****y freezing in the bed at night. You would think that they would remember from last year - dozy old gits! Anyway, despite the cold, he got up early and then changed all my internal halogen lamps for LED ones the next morning. Only one left to do - how's he going to get up the mast then? I was hoping to go out for a sail around the bay later in the day but because the spray hood hasn't been returned from servicing the wimps wouldn't go. I got a proper Spring clean inside whilst he pottered about on deck. The next day was much the same - but colder. However, I now have a new Rodkicker so he should be able put the reefs in much easier (if we ever get to go out!). They were compiling a list of what viewers to their house said: 'too expensive for us'; 'looking to modernise'; 'would be ideal if it was in Nailsea'; and 'it's too big for us' were the best so far. Why ask me? how would I know why people don't read the estate agents brochure, advertisements and on-line descriptions.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Year 5, day 83 & 84

Day 83.
They both turned up in the late morning. I was being moved closer to the jetty in preparation for the big event when they arrived so, whilst waiting for this to be completed, they ate their lunch in the car. Once I was in place, they unloaded the freshly laundered and ironed bedding and other items taken away at the end of last season and he hauled them up onto my deck. She safely stowed these things below. Then both my sails were refitted, water tanks replenished and my engine run-up. Satisfied that I was ready for launch, they left me and drove off to leave the car at Brixham Marina car park. After they were back I heard them talking. On the return journey their taxi had dropped them off at the Manor Inn where they had eaten a meal and washed it down with a few beers and glasses of wine. It looks like she is going into hospital on 12th April for a knee replacement.  However, the biggest surprise to me was that they've finally put the house up for sale. So the 'Plan' is still on schedule after all!
Day 84.
The big day! He got up at 3:00am thinking it was 4:00am - later claiming to have mis-read his watch in the dark . He went for a shower anyway. The morning chorus (which had been starting progressively earlier with the coming of Spring) was already underway. When he came back on board he dozed off until 5:00am. He then got dressed and made a pot of tea. It was getting light outside but there was one concern - it was foggy. In the distance we heard the engine of the launch crane burst into life - not long now. Although not due until 06:45am, they came for us 30mins early. The slings were fitted fore and aft and I was lifted off the cradle and slowly moved to the jetty. After being lowered carefully into the water, they both got aboard and he started my engine. Satisfied we would float, the slings were removed and we slowly backed out into the creek - into thick fog! We inched out of the creek and down to Dittisham following the moorings as he knew these were either side of the deeper water. By the time we got to Dartmouth the sun had risen and the fog was behind us. We cleared Castle Ledge buoy, rounded the Mew Stone and headed to Brixham. Although bright and sunny, there was a cold edge to the wind. After an uneventful journey he backed me into our pontoon. I'm back home!

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Year 5, day 70

He was here early this morning, not as early as the guy next to me but early for him. He spent some time rummaging in the back of the car before getting up the ladder and starting to paint along the boot line with a paintbrush. I bet he left the masking tape at home - idiot! He donned a one-piece, disposable over-all (the same one that I'm sure he's had for four years now) and finished anti-fouling the underside of the hull with a roller. Then he re-fitted my anode and propeller before stopping for lunch. After lunch he re-fitted the raw water impellor removed at the end of last year, tightened the drive belt and ran up my engine - all fine. He 'phoned home - normal conversation about 'getting home' time - and then mentioned 'estate agent'. What are they up to? Anyway, next time they'll both be down and it looks like I'm being re-floated - can't wait!

Year 5, day 63

At last, he's come to see me. I hadn't seen him since October last year when he put me to bed for the winter but I've been expecting a visit about now. He always comes alone for the first few visits of the new season. He's been coming back about this time for the past six years so I've been eagerly awaiting his return although this year he's a bit late. I noticed that he's put on a bit of weight since I last saw him too. He brought a new telescopic ladder so we didn't have the annual wobbly ladder dance. Gave me a good wash on the outside and then checked inside to make sure nothing was wrong below decks. Off  loaded more gadgets in a box as well but nothing big like he'd brought in previous years. Wonder what they've both been up to since they left me here last year? Just before they went there was lot's of talk about this year being 'Year 5' whatever that means.
He had visitors this afternoon - Charles and Kit came calling - and although nothing was said directly, I think he's planning something particularly unusual for this year.